Welcome to my blog! Well, this is not actually my blog, just a gateway to it. I have created a blogsphere community and will try to posted on a continuous basis, so forgive me if there are mistakes.
I am also experimenting with different media, from the home grown to the commerically available. If you like any particular one, please let me now.
The blog will be used to communicate latest news and ideas, general events, points of interest, science and technology, book reviews, etc. This is a good source of information for those that don't want to get tied down with a heavier forum medium. The blog has an RSS feed which can be added to many of your personalized news sources (e.g. myYahoo).
Also check me out on Twitter (drjerryasmith) and Facebook, two great social netw..orking communities. This is another way to stay connected or just follow my activities. If you join (free), please make sure to send me your twitter.
Wordpress (commercial)